Making money is a part of the experience of Grand Theft Auto, and you can accomplish that objective in a variety of ways, both lethal and non-lethal. In the rare event that you don’t want to pull a heist, or hold a hapless victim at gunpoint, you can always sell something valuable. So, what car sells for the most in GTA 5 online fully upgraded?
Getting Your Ride
In GTA Online, you can only sell cars once every thirty minutes or so. This is done so players aren’t just constantly stealing cars and selling them. Because there is a significant cooldown between sales, you might as well go for as expensive a car as you can find. But there are a couple of things to keep in mind before you drop off your ride at a reseller.
Once you boost a car, try to stay within the bounds of the law as much as possible. Because reckless driving will do damage to the vehicle and lower its sell value. Additionally, the more aggressively you drive, the more likely you are to draw the eye of the San Andreas PD. If you’re currently wanted, you won’t be able to get rid of your stolen merchandise.
After getting your ride, and shaking off the heat (if you picked up any), make sure to take your newly acquired set of wheels to Los Santos Customs and get the thing cleaned up, painted, and repaired. From there, head to the dealership of your choice and get your cash.
Something that happens occasionally to watch out for is “citizens” will put a bounty on your head once you steal their car. If you have a bounty, other players in the vicinity will almost immediately start hunting your down. At that point, you have a choice to make: Abandon the car and try again, or see if you can off load it before someone comes for you. Either way, make the decision quick!
The Most Valuable Car
Without a doubt, you’re going to want to find the Lampadati Felon GT. This slick luxury sports car sells for a whopping $9500. That kind of cash can buy you a lot of mayhem in the city. Plus, this particular car is light on its feet. So if you need to lose the fuzz, it’s a great vehicle to do it in.
Track down the Felon GT in high traffic areas around Rockford Hills, Richman, or Morningwood. As expected, this fancy car is only found in the wealthiest parts of the city. The narrow and hilly roads around these parts can be treacherous to drive. Watch your bumpers as you make your way toward the dealership.
There you have it. If you’ve ever wondered what car sells for the most in GTA 5 Online fully upgraded, the Lampadati Felon GT is the choice for you. It’s fast and valuable, but only spawns in a few locations. While you’re raining death and destruction on the population of San Andreas, make sure to check out some of our other guides about the action games you love.
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